Catalyst | Take your site to the next level.

Marty Sobo, Catalyst [kat-i-list]

Contact Marty Sobo - Catalyst

CatalystMarty Sobo, Catalyst

Marty is the catalyst at Full Blown Studio.

What is a catalyst?

  1. a person or thing that precipitates an event or change: His expertise in internet technology served as the catalyst that has elevated Full Blown Studio to the next level.
  2. a person whose talk, enthusiasm, or energy causes others to be more friendly, enthusiastic, or energetic.
You will find Marty is all of the above. Contact Marty to learn how Full Blown Studio can immediately provide you the following benefits:
  • increased sales
  • higher search engine ranking
  • better communication with your target audience
  • save you both time and money
  • peace of mind
Below is a partial list of our web solutions. Contact us to learn more. No pressure, we'd like to help you grow your business, no matter what level.
custom designed wordpress blog solutions
Custom Designed WordPress Blog Solution

Custom Blog Solution

Problem: This client needed to inform the world about their new bar opening soon. They also wanted to get feedback from their customers.

Solution: We recommended a custom designed weblog solution. Our custom designed blog website enables our client to write articles and blurbs about their new bar and retrieve valuable feedback from their customers. Our client is able to add, edit and delete their articles using their custom designed Administration Console. They are also able to review customer feedback without ever incurring an additional charge or calling a web designer.

Benefits: A custom designed blog website provides this entrepreneur exciting new avenues to promote their products and market their services from the comfort of their own home or office.

Learn more about Premier Web Designs

custom designed corporate website solutions
Corporate Website Solution

Corporate Website Solution

Problem: This client came to us with many diversified needs. They requested a modern looking corporate website with the ability to stream video content, score high in the search engines, process job applications and communicate with their clients.

Solution: We designed a stylish navigation system and an application that processes job applications and employed a modern streaming media player. We also designed the site in a way that scores very high in the search engines. Lastly, we gave them a custom Administration Console which provides an easy way to edit their whole website, add, edit & delete content including video content without ever incurring an additional charge or calling a web designer.

Benefits: Our custom designed corporate website increases traffic, improves corporate image and enables this corporation to manage their presence on the internet from their office 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Learn more about Premier Web Designs.

custom designed business website solutions
Business Website Solution

Business Website Solution

Problem: This client needed to accept job applications online then search through the applicants in their secure Admin Console. They also wanted to be able to rank the applicants based on specified criteria, then print a detailed, color-coded summary of each applicant in alphabetical order.

Solution: We designed a business website that accepted applications from both job applicants and employers. We also designed a fully functional Administration Console which provides an easy way to edit their whole website, rank applicants and organize their data without ever incurring an additional charge or calling a web designer.

Benefits: The custom designed business website enables this business owner to manage most of their organization from the comfort of their own home or office.

Learn more about Premier Web Designs.

custom designed e-commerce website solutions
E-Commerce Website Solution

E-Commerce Website Solution

Problem: This client wanted to be able to sell music gear online.

Solution: We designed an e-commerce store for their many music products that accurately calculates tax and shipping costs. We setup a merchant account so they can accept credit cards. Lastly, we custom designed an extensive Administration Console which provides an easy way to edit their whole website, add, edit & delete products and track orders without ever incurring an additional charge or calling a web designer.

Benefits: The custom designed e-commerce website enables this entrepreneur to efficiently manage their business online.

Learn more about Premier Web Designs.

custom designed membership website solutions
Membership Website Solution

Membership Website Solution

Problem: This client wanted to create an online community for their members. They also wanted to manage their members, store statistical data in a database and print detailed, customizable reports.

Solution: We custom designed a social community that allowed their members to update their own personal profiles. Then we complimented it with an extensive Administration Console which provides the administrators an easy way to manage every aspect of their website and print detailed reports without ever incurring an additional charge or calling a web designer.

Benefits: The custom designed membership community enables clubs and comminities to manage their members, track integral data and print statistical reports from any internet enabled location.

Learn more about Premier Web Designs.

custom designed social network community solutions
Social Network Community

Social Network Community

Problem: This music promoter wanted a fully functional social network community. They wanted the ability for members to create custom profiles, vote on bands, create friends, favorites and communicate with each other.

Solution: We custom designed a web portal that supports memberships, custom profiles, instant messaging and voting. The site allows members to upload photos, music and video. Lastly, we custom-designed an all-inclusive Administration Console which provides their administrators an easy way to edit the whole website, manage members and moderate user-submitted-content without ever incurring an additional charge or calling a web designer.

Benefits: The extensive functionality of this custom designed social network community website enables this entrepreneur to manage every aspect of their portal with a relatively small administrative staff.

Learn more about Premier Web Designs.

custom designed search engine solutions
Search Engine Solutions

Search Engine Solutions

Problem: This computer repair company wanted a higher ranking in the search engines.

Solution: We custom designed a persistant search engine optimization plan. With determination we got multiple "organic" front page listings on both Yahoo and Google for the keywords los angeles computer repair.

Benefits: The influx of visitors to has increased tenfold with a front page search engine result.

Also note:,,,, and (Full Blown Studio clients) are on the first page of Google for search term GPS PLS. And this website (Full Blown Studio) is on the first page of Google for the keywords "Celebrity Web Design." Discover what Search Engine Optimization can do for your business. Learn more about Premier Web Designs.

custom designed website marketing solutions
Website Marketing Solutions

Website Marketing Solutions

Problem: You need to get qualified visitors to your website in a hurry and/or increase your internet presense.

Solution: We will custom design a pay-per-click advertising campaign to run on Google or Yahoo. Pay-per-click ads will rapidly increase targeted visitors to your website.

Benefits: The increase of visitors to your website(s) will increase with a pay-per-click advertising campaign.

Learn more about Premier Web Designs.

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